Aside from Golden membership, Neobux offers an additional 5 levels of upgraded memberships – Emerald, Sapphire, Platinum, Diamond and Ultimate. These are known as “Golden Packs” and are additions to your golden membership. Each pack has its different advantages – Ultimate membership being the most costly and most advantageous.
Here are the costs and benefits of each pack, these are annual fees:
Upgrade Options
There are a couple of upgrade options. You can pay the upgrade fee all at once, or more commonly, you can deposit some of your profit into a “Golden Pack Balance” and gradually build up enough money until you can afford to purchase your chosen upgraded membership.
You can add funds to your golden pack balance via the main Neobux dashboard:
You can also upgrade from pack to pack. So for example, I could upgrade from a Sapphire member to an Ultimate member. The upgrade costs are as follows:
Is it Worth Upgrading?
At the offset, it’s certainly not worth upgrading to anything past a golden membership. But that’s one of the great things about Neobux. You can gradually work your way up. The memberships are very cleverly designed, so that when you start hitting your limits on rented or direct referrals, you will have enough experience, and confidence (and cash!) to warrant upgrading.
It’s not just the referral limits that benefit you when upgrading past golden. For those of you that have read a few pages of my site, you will know I am very opinionated about controlling costs, even more so than paying attention to your click average from RRs. Upgrading allows further discounts on the purchase price of RRs, thus lowering your break even point and helping you make more money.
Here’s a quick comparison from my break-even calculator:
It’s obvious to see, the higher level the membership, the lower the break-even point becomes.
Neobux has been around for over 6 years now
So there’s no rush to upgrade, ever. The upgraded memberships Neobux provides are completely optional and offer a great avenue to further improve return on investment.